Jul 2017

MediaEval 2017 Note on Visas

Please pay careful attention to Irish visa information. If you need a invitation letter to apply for a visa, register for the workshop on the CLEF/MediaEval 2017 Registration Page. The registration form allows you to indicate that you need a letter, which will be sent to you automatically.

Note for Schengen residents: Ireland is not in the Schengen Area (although it is in the EU). If you are a citizen of a non-Schengen country and live in the Schengen Area with a Schengen Area residence permit, you will need a visa to enter Ireland. Please apply as soon as possible.

MediaEval 2017 Workshop Registration

Registration for the MediaEval 2017 Workshop is open.

MediaEval 2017 Student Travel Grant Applications

We are happy to announce that a limited number of travel grants are available to support travel of outstanding student participants to the MediaEval 2017 workshop. Researchers who have recently defended their PhDs are also eligible to apply for these awards. Deadline: 28 July 2017 (but inquire if you missed the deadline). Read More...