C@merata: Querying Musical Scores with English Noun Phrases Task
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Here are some sample queries from 2016 which relate to the Bennet score below:

Q31: minim on the word "cease"
A: [ 4/4, 1, 7:3-7:4 ], [ 4/4, 1, 9:1-9:2 ]

Q32: note on the word "mine" against a note on the word "eyes"
A: [ 4/4, 1, 3:4-3:4 ]

Q33: semibreve tied to a minim in the Bass clef
A: [ 4/4, 1, 1:1-2:2 ], [ 4/4, 1, 3:1-4:2 ]

Q35: semibreve tied to a minim followed by crotchet, crotchet
A: [ 4/4, 1, 1:1-2:4 ], [ 4/4, 1, 2:1-3:4 ]

Q36: minor third between Basse and Tenor in bars 1-35
A: [ 4/4, 1, 1:3-2:2 ], [ 4/4, 1, 8:1-8:2 ], [ 4/4, 1, 9:3-9:4 ]

Q37: Ia chord in bars 1-10
A: [ 4/4, 1, 2:1-2:2 ], [ 4/4, 1, 5:3-5:4 ], [ 4/4, 1, 8:3-8:4 ], [ 4/4, 1, 9:3-9:4 ]

Q40: counterpoint in bars 1-14
A: [ 4/4, 1, 1:3-14:4 ]


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