The 2017 Multimedia Satellite Task:
Emergency Response for Flooding Events

Task Results
Task overview: [Slides] [Presentation video]
Participant results: [Playlist of all presentation videos]

Task Description
The multimedia satellite task requires participants to retrieve and link multimedia content from social media streams (Flickr, Twitter, Wikipedia) of events that can be remotely sensed such as flooding, fires, land clearing, etc. to satellite imagery. The purpose of this task is to augment events that are present in satellite images with social media reports in order to provide a more comprehensive view. This is of vital importance in context of situational awareness and emergency response for the coordination of rescue efforts.

To align with recent events, the challenge focuses on flooding events, which constitute a special kind of remotely sensed event. The multimedia satellite task is a combination of satellite image processing, social media retrieval and fusion of both modalities. The different challenges are addressed in the following subtasks.

Full information about the task can be found on the Multimedia Satellite Task 2917 github page.

Task organizers
Benjamin Bischke, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany (first.last at
Damian Borth, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany (first.last at
Christian Schulze, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany (first.last at
Alan Woodley, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
Venkat Srinivasan, Virginia Tech (Blacksburg VA), US

Task schedule
1 May: Development data release
1 June: Test data release
17 August: Run submission
21 August: Results returned
27 August: Working notes paper: initial submission deadline
13-15 Sept: MediaEval Workshop in Dublin

We would like to thank Planet for providing us with high resolution satellite images for this task.